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  • Writer's pictureB.C.Lawrence

Day 6

A young woman/man stumbles across a dead body in the woods. What does she/he do?

Lesson 2: Writing Prompt from The Write Practice

Long strands of grass clung to her socks, her shoes were cloaked in dust. She made her way through the forest shuffling through detritus. Her teacher's voice called out," Everybody, stay with your groups". She ignored her. "We don't want anybody to get lost". 'Lost", she thought, was what they all were. Stranded in a crevice with an overturned bus.

She needed to rest. Not knowing how deep in the forest she was, she leaned her back on a tree. Starred down at the moss-veiled path and sighed. Her uniform was muddied, her skirt thorn and badge carried with it no pride. She carried on, deciding to run the rest of the way not noticing a protruding root in her way. She fell. Clumps of moss invaded her space and she sat up. Her hair masked her vision and she re-did it with her eyes closed. Upon opening them a vivid scene presented itself, in the form of a man leaning on the opposite tree. His body slouched forward and his head dropped like a dying flower.

A static sound made her ears pop and she crawled her way to him. He had on a uniform, one she hadn't recognized. She dusted his badge with the side of her palm and shuddered. That static sound reappeared and she soon realized that she had been screaming.

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