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  • Writer's pictureB.C.Lawrence


His chest puffed with excitement. His hands trembled with anticipation, the hairs stood at attention. The wind brewing in the east sent a shockwave of humid air. It’s chilling touch creped through the crack of the window. It didn’t shake his focus, his eyes were darted onto the emerald gate staring at him. It looked celestial, it’s arms reaching the sky. From the gates of heaven, emerged a women walking from gods hands. She wore a yellow dress .She started down the street with a nonchalant stride, ears punctured by the music from her earphones. He saw this as an opportunity, he exited his vehicle. Escaping the shade of hugging trees he emerged into the light. He started to haunt her steps . She heard his presence from the tapping of his shoes. She looked behind her and greeted him with an amiable smile, in return his smirk only showcased deception. By the time her vision returned to the path, she felt a sharp pain that pricked at her neck. Shining in his hand, was a syringe containing tears of snakes. She had become a victim to all that is unholy, forced to shake hands with the devil.

She opened the curtains of her eyes to stare at the cracks on a pale ceiling. The fumes of dust trampled her lungs and she found it hard to breath. Her senses soon returned and she felt a weight compressing her chest. There was a rope of skin tied to her throat. He stood before her with the eyes of an animal. He shacked with adrenaline, and the rush seemed to excite him . Before she could even react, he squeezed . He tied her respiratory tract in a knot that could only be cut by god himself. He watched as her body floundered around like a fish out of water. How the sky of her iris became suffocated by clouds, her hazel eyes turned rusted. He counted her breaths. Her wheezed out pleas for help. Her cry’s were heard, but not by him. Her body flopped to the floor and she became a mannequin with a red spotted dress. A moment of silence fell. His hands shivered uncontrollably, he had reached a high that phantoms ride on. His knees grew week and he fell with a thud. He sat in a prayer stance and cracked his neck to the ceiling. His eyes closed. He breathed in the metallic incense , and the ashes parading the room. He gave into the desires of his mistress and became a prisoner to his faith. With the climax receding, he let out a dragged exhale. It deflated his spirit and he sat in woe. He shook his head in realization to what he had done.

'' I’m sorry'', he whispered. He had a pleading heart with a cry made to reach the stars. He didn’t want to repent because of his immoral act, he laid himself bare on holy clouds to a god he didn’t believe in. Apologetic to the thought, that this god, had to bare witness to his sin. To have rendered god helpless, with bloodied eyes. He opened his eyes and looked to the body decorating the floor. ‘The wages sin pays is death’, he muttered. He reached for her hand, and her icy palm melted into his skin. He shook his head in disbelief to how far he had fallen. That like the devil, he used to be an angel , that now fell from great heights. His name used to be proclaimed in churches, but now they shun at the thought. A tear escaped his eye. God had been watching him the whole time. But he was in such a self-imposed state, drowning in lust he didn’t realize. The eyes watching him. The heart shading him. His star, above galaxies crying to the energy made material. God had lost a son that day, angels covered their eyes and shaded their hearts. For an angel had fallen, deep into the recesses of that which no light can escape. The mind. A horrendous entrapment of imagination set a tomb of despair in a man struggling with his demons.

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