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  • Writer's pictureB.C.Lawrence

A Crowned Jewel

Updated: Apr 10, 2018

The crowned Amazon, this endangered species, native to North-eastern Mexico was a rare sight for tourist visiting the Lodge, and locals. During the adventure trails their sightings too were but apparitions hidden in the dense jungle. Mason remembered it’s name from a book he read on the plane. How it’s notable features were that of it’s read forehead decorated on it’s green body. This marvel of a bird, sold for the illegal export of trapped birds graced Mason with it’s presence. With the group hiking down the jungle, Mason wasn’t lost . He mapped out the area the night before, with the help of the guide of course, for such a situation. Knowing that his crime fiction novel will distract him from the primitive , thick jungle. He bumped into a tree that forced his book to close, the trees were annoyed .

He looked up at the cluster of branches, the leaves dangling from the sky. He could hear the group, the tour guide chattering away. He didn’t feel uncomfortable, being alone in the lofty jungle, the invisible eyes targeting him through the bark of the trees didn’t shake his body. He noticed, staring down at him were bright yellow eyes , it’s eye-rings accentuating the sharpness of it’s vision . It stared down at him curiously, sitting perched like a statue. The sight of the bird was mesmerizing, as soon as he wanted to take a picture, the bird disappeared . It’s green body seeping into the surrounding bush. Disappointed but hypnotized, Mason went down the path. While walking he stumbled upon an uncharted trail, hazard strips stepped on and squashed onto the floor. Laughter escaping the forest, voices he had only just met. But I suppose, there are always snakes in Eden.

A group of teenage boys, emerged from the path. Joking stumbling into him and laughing. One dropped a plastic wrapper from a sweet, ‘Please pick that up, ‘Mason asked. He was looking down and clenching onto the straps of his small backpack. ‘Don’t ruin the vibe, go read a book and walk, ‘the deep voice of the male alarmed him. The intimidation of a group was too much for Mason, his small stature only further killing his confidence. He walked down the path faster, avoiding the sheering eyes.

The next day he joined his mother again on the hiking trail, striding down the same path but greeting different animals. He was walking with a hop in his step, today he seemed brighter. The people weren’t going to effect his stay, he loved nature and animals were dear to his heart. He brushed off human contact for the day, and walked alone. He was rolling down the area where he had spotted the charming bird who flew off without a word. He started to think about how unique it was. While dawdling among his thoughts, he stepped on something. The crunching of the object could be felt through the rubber of his shoe. The noises of the forest stilled the crack. He stepped back and bent down . He was in shock of what he had uncovered, he stepped on an already deceased baby bird. He hadn’t known the type of bird . He picked it up and it’s body withered in his grasp, the body was cold and pale. He looked up, his initial thoughts were that it fell from the tree. But he turned the body over and noticed, a shining material stuffed down it’s throat. A plastic wrapper.

His heart broke into shards, this living creature was a victim to his discouragement . He was defeated by his emotion and his shame was written on his face. He put the animal down gently, sighing with an apologetic wind escaping the prison of his teeth. He looked around, started to scan his surrounding in hopes that no other creature became a victim to humans. He started to worry about the Crowned Amazon, how it’s on the edge of extinction and one mistake such as this, could end it’s species. The guilt was overpowering, he walked only a few steps and sat on a nearby log. Drenched in shame, he didn’t think that anything in that moment would wipe away his anguish.

For some, a small hearts beating carried no worries, but Mason really cared. In the midst of his turmoil, he looked up. The light escaping from the branches clutches emitted rays that shone on a nearby tree. The highlights accentuating it’s features from it’s shaded neighbors , the spotlight was on a creature hiding in the leaves. ‘’There you are, ‘he said . The relief was intoxicating, his mind was at ease. The 12-inch bird, fluffing it’s wings dotted with splashes of red and blue underneath. It’s yellow eyes turned grey, were gazing down at Mason. It was a witness , hiding in the shadows, it’s presence brought harmony in the emotions of a wholesome boy, Mason was in complete awe of this inquisitive bird.

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