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  • Writer's pictureB.C.Lawrence

5 signs that you are Paranoid!

1. When faced with new obstacles, you’re skeptical and not optimistic. You have to talk yourself into optimism, feeling as though it doesn’t come naturally. Other’s around you point out the good, while you have thoughts on how to veer away from the bad.

2. When going out with your friends you have a tendency to always check if your purse or wallet is on your person. Even if it is just cautiously walking through a group of the elderly, your heart is racing. Maybe not that hectic.

3. You’re walking and you have a tendency to memorize car plate numbers. Why? Of course, encase you get kidnapped. Or the other hundred things you’ve seen on television or read about, or even been told.

4. You see strangers as criminals. Well not really, but you don’t trust them to the point where you need a friend to console you that they’re an honest person. You’re just not the type to meet a man alone in a bar one day, without thinking his a pedophile or worse. It’s just how you’ve manufactured your thoughts.

5. It’s fright or nothing. Fear sometimes stops you from doing certain things. Some might call it anxiety. But there are ways of overcoming suspicious thoughts.

The next article will be about overcoming paranoia.

A short story will be included.

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